Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Top 5 Tips to Prevent Truck and Trailer Repair Work

Truck And Trailer Repair Services
Every truck or trailer owner needs to constantly maintain his/her vehicle in order to ensure smooth running and a good driving experience. But even inspite of knowing this, most are casual about their approach of maintenance and rely heavily on truck and trailer repair services. These services are surely very effective in treating all truck related issues and help every trailer owner in dealing with engine problems, exterior paint repair and other collision repair related issues. But why spend all that money on repair work when you can follow preventive measures to avoid the repair?

Well the following are 5 top tips to avoid and prevent using truck repair work:

1) Greasing regularly helps

Custom Paint And Body ShopOne of the best and most important tips to avoid leaving your truck at the repair center time and again is to grease it on a regular basis.  It is important to service your vehicle as per the manufacturer’s instructions and only routine grease will allow you to reduce the frequency of trailer repair.  A heavy commercial truck can consume a grease job every 3000 miles and needs greasing after that to run smoothly.

2) Preventive truck maintenance

Another useful tip that can be instrumental in avoiding need for truck repair is to get preventive truck maintenance done every once in a while.  Once you do this on a scheduled basis from a good repair service provider, the need for treating bigger damages won’t arise. For example if paint is chipping off, then rather than running to a custom paint and body shop, it is better to get preventive paint repair done to save on costs.

3) Regular truck inspection

Another useful tip for avoiding repair services for your vehicle is to do regular truck inspection.  This will help you to identify the road worthiness and of the truck and will be instrumental in finding out the potential problems that can arise. You can then work on preventing these problems before they even come up. 

4) Tire care

A tire is surely one of the main and most important parts of any truck and determines its smooth running.  Tires are regularly subjected to many harsh surfaces and may face regular wear and tear. Thus it is important to care for them on a regular basis to improve their life and avoiding under or over inflation. Get gas filled in the tires whenever there is need so as to avoid flat tire condition while on the road.

5) Carry tools, extra bulbs and extra fuses

Another useful tip is to carry extra bulbs, fuses and tools at all times in order to avoid difficult situations such as headlight problems, technical issues and need for repairs.  Learn how to use the tools to help yourself rather than running to repair companies for small problems.

If you are facing truck or trailer related problems inspite of following these tips, then you can log on to http://www.bdmtrucks.com and avail top services.


  1. I actually didn't know that you have to grease regularly with your truck in the first tip you shared. Now the paragraph that really stood out to me was taking proper care of your tires. During the winter you need to make sure your treads are in good shape. It's pretty terrifying when your tires lose control on the freeway when it's snowy outside! I really am going to put these tips to use. Thank you!

  2. I have had a lot of problems with my truck. The main culprit is that I don't take care of it. I will have to try greasing it up when I'm supposed to so that I can make it last longer. Thanks for the tips. http://www.centextruckrepair.com/truck-repair-service.html

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